Welcome to PRICE SLIDE
marketing plan guide

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Hype Campaign

Hype Campaign (Pre-launch)

Let your crowd know what’s coming


  • Create a priority list - provide 1-3 main points you want to highlight
    • Hero banner or add Price Slide promotion link to your website
    • Prepare marketing emails & social posts with an option to boost the ads
    • Radio/TV spot
    • Influencer Shoutouts
    • Social Live Video from company personality
  • Provide list of marketing channels you are planning to use:
  • Traditional
    • Television
    • Press release
    • Endorsement Influencer
    • Promotion Influencer
    • Billboard
    • Flyers
    • Others
    • Social media
    • Email blast
    • SMS blast
    • Remarketing
    • Google ads
    • Others


Take off

Take off (Launch period)

Launch the slide promotion, spread the word

  1. Share the word and boost your ads
  2. Put up traditional media assets such as physical posters, flyers, internal TV ads, (if applicable)
  3. Allot about 20% of the budget on this period
  4. Follow up on the 2nd day - Congratulate
Body of the promotion

Body of the promotion

Utilize all forms of media channels

  1. Allot about 10-15% of the budget on this period
  2. Send communications as per your marketing timeline and assets available
  3. Do price evaluation from time to time
  4. Continue with the hype - Congratulate. Motivate. Remind
  5. Tell a story - show evidence to commit


  • Do price evaluation (assess if need to alter to a certain price then announce to your audience) Emphasize the accomplishment to the customer for altering the price


  • Email blast, social posts, text campaign, etc
Wrap it up

Wrap it up

Last Call: Tell them what you told them

  1. Allot about 30-35% of the budget on this period
  2. Last call (optional)
  3. Evaluate the current price, determine if you need to alter then announce with urgency
  4. Hard sell - a clear reminder of the best value your customers are gonna get